Thursday, September 28, 2006

Hosting Site at Home

My target was to learn and host, with as least expenses as possible. I have a regular comcast DSL connection at home.

This worked for me, it should work for you all too. It's not rocket science.

(a) Buy from
(b) Install apache 2.2 ( on my laptop and test if it works. The Apache windows installer installed an index.html file with text "It Works!". If you see this text in browser for "http://localhost" then you got it right.
(c) Install PHP ( 5.x stable version available. I extracted the files in "C:\php" folder. I ran the .exe(s) and .bat(s) but not sure if these helped, especially gopear.bat which actually did show some output.
(d) Modified the environment variable "path" appending ";C:\php".
(e) Renamed php.ini-recommended to php.ini
(f) Modified the httpd.conf to have the following lines:
LoadModule php5_module "C:/php/php5apache2_2.dll"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

# Configure the path to php.ini
PHPIniDir "C:/php"

DirectoryIndex index.htm index.html index.php


Test if the server works right with new configuration and then restart the Apache web server.

(g) made a index.php file with ; see if it shows php information page "http:\\localhost\index.php".
(h) go to and signup. after they send you your credentials to login, relogin and register the website following the step by step instructions from .
You need to give your IP address. I am behind the router, so i used the site to find my IP address.
(i) zoneedit also gave me the names of 2 nameservers, which i used to replace the nameservers given by godaddy. it takes some time (a few hours) before godaddy really gives up all nameservers to zoneedit.
(j) I set my computer with a static IP address for LAN . Set your preferred DNS server as your default gateway on internet properties.
(k) set up the router with virtual server: inbound port =80, TCP, for the IP Address for the private port 80, to let the internet traffic come in.

godaddy --> zoneedit(www. ) --> My Router --> my server

It Should work now.